Youth Group Purpose Statement:

Sharing Worship and Interaction with Spirituality by Serving (SWISS)

Bible Verse of the Day

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Girls' Night and Man Retreat Update

Hello all!

Here's an update on the events that were to occur this past Friday night!

The Girls' Night had to be cancelled/postponed.  After Sarah called all the girls in the youth group, she found out that only one youth was planning on participating.  When that one youth realized she was the only one, she didn't want to sleep over either!  So, Sarah had the one youth choose a movie, and the two went to see Tooth Fairy and hung out at the mall for a bit Friday night.

Sarah would like to try to have this event again later, so girls, please let Sarah know if and when you want it to happen.  We need you to commit to it too because it's a shame when an event is planned and then no one participates!  We want the Girls' Night event to be a chance for the girls in Zion's youth group to get to know each other better and grow together in Christ!  So, let Sarah know when you want to try this event again!

The Man Retreat was reportedly a blast!  Three adults and three youth went up to McFee for a night of ice fishing and camping!  They had to dig out some snow to set up camp, collected their firewood, made their own meals, and did Bible studies and chatted while on the ice.  They managed to get a couple bites, but unfortunately they didn't catch anything.  They still had a lot of fun, though, and learned about fishing themes in the Bible.  The youth who attended this event have expressed interest in another fishing/camping-type trip in a couple months, so let Sarah know if you want this to happen!

Blessings in Christ!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Random Updates

Zion's DCE Intern is safely in Nebraska preparing for her Mid-Year Conference which is the next three days.  She will return to Farmington Thursday night.

WE STILL NEED ANOTHER ADULT FOR GIRLS' NIGHT!  Jen can only stay until 9 a.m., so we need another adult to come to Sarah's until 11 a.m.  It would be nice if this third adult could stay the whole night, but we for sure need her in the morning!  Girls, if you didn't sign up on Sarah's door to RSVP, please call or email her to let her know you're coming!

The Man Retreat is all set to go!  If you haven't signed up on Sarah's door for this event, please call or email her to let her know if the men should be expecting you!

Jan. 31st is our next meeting for participants in the National Youth Gathering and their families.  We will discuss a few updates on fundraising and the trip and get started on a group covenant!

The February youth newsletter was in your mailboxes at church this morning.  Let Sarah know if you have any questions!  February will include:
  • Confirmation Lessons = 6-7:30 p.m. Feb. 3rd and 10th (Wednesdays), 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m. Feb. 14th, 21st, and 28th (Sundays for Lent accomodations)
  • Joyful Noise is back Mondays at 6:30 p.m.!
  • All of February = Confirmation and Youth servant event! We’re collecting nonperishable food items for Echo Food Bank plus 9V batteries for a future servant event! Youth need to help sort items and provide boxes to place in the entryway.
  • Wednesday, Feb. 3rd, 7:30 p.m. = Youth ministry purpose meeting right after confirmation—Come for round two to help us decide what the purpose of our youth group is!  (SEE POST BELOW FOR SUMMARY OF THE LAST MEETING.)
  • Friday, Feb. 5th, 6-9 p.m.= Youth Improv Night! Bring a snack to share and come ready to have fun and do some (PG) improvisational acting! Friends and parents are welcome! A sign-up sheet will be posted.
  • Sunday, Feb. 7th = Before we all run home for the Superbowl, the NYG youth will be serving breakfast for lunch after worship as a fundraiser! Sandra and Jenny are heading this one up!
  • Sunday, Feb. 14th, 4/5 p.m. = Valentine’s Day Family Movie Night! Parents are invited to dine, and youth will be doing the cooking for their parents! Youth need to come by 4 p.m. to help set up and cook. Any recommendations for a Christian love-themed movie? Let Sarah know if you have one we can borrow.
  • Wednesday, Feb. 17th = Ash Wednesday, and the NYG youth will be serving dinner before worship. We’ll take a freewill offering as a fundraiser. Call time is 5 p.m. wearing your youth group shirt, and we need an adult to help run this event smoothly!
  • Friday to Saturday, Feb. 26th to 27th, 7 p.m. – 7 a.m. = Youth Lock-In! Bring a friend and snacks and drinks to share, plus lots of energy to make it through a night of games, friendship, and devotions! We’ll need plenty of adult chaperones, and a sign-up sheet will be posted.
Blessings in Jesus!

Youth Ministry Purpose

Last Sunday, Jan. 17th, the youth and parents all met to discuss the purpose of our youth ministry.  This was the first in a short series of events that will hopefully end in our deciding on a purpose statement for Zion's youth group that fits within Zion's mission statement, "Bringing Hope Through Christ."  We focused on what the Bible says about the purposes of youth ministry (based on Doug Field's Purpose-Driven Youth Ministry and pulling in more biblical citations).  Here's the gist of what we talked about:

The five biblical purposes of youth ministry:
• Evangelism
     o Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8
     o Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with those who don’t yet
         have a personal relationship with him
• Worship
     o Rom. 12:1, Ps. 95:6, Rom. 6:3-4
     o Celebrating God’s presence and honoring him with our lifestyle—
         This includes praying, hearing the Word, giving, baptizing,
         meditating, the Lord’s Supper, singing, etc.
• Fellowship
     o Eph. 2:19, 1 Thes. 5:9-11
     o God designed us to live in fellowship with other believers and
         to be identified in the body of Christ. Students need to be
         known, cared for, held accountable, and encouraged in their
         spiritual journey.
• Discipleship
     o Hebr. 6:1, 1 Cor. 3:6-7
     o Building up or strengthening of believers in their quest to be
         like Christ—Disciples helping youth grow up to be disciples
• Ministry
     o Matt. 25:34-40, 1 Cor. 12:4-11
     o Meeting needs with love—Using our God-given gifts to serve

After we talked about these five purposes, we graded our youth ministry in each area and did an activity to share our grades and discuss them.  After that, we did some brainstorming to think of other words for each of the five purposes so that we can use them towards our next meeting when we will try to dig into creating a purpose statement more!  Join us for that meeting on Feb. 3rd at 7:30 p.m. following confirmation!

Thanks, and remember, Jesus thinks you're to die for!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Girls Night vs. Man Retreat

On January 29th and 30th, we're going to have separate events for girls and guys!  Sign up for these events on Sarah's office door or call or email her to RSVP.

The Girls' Night will happen at Sarah's (the DCE Intern) apartment, and girls are asked to bring snacks and drinks to share as well as any girly things they'd like to do (makeup, hair and nail stuff, games, etc.).  Breakfast will be included, and there is no cost.  The girls will be hanging out, watching movies, and doing Bible studies about women in the Bible.  You will need to know Sarah's cell phone number to get into the complex as it's gated, and the call box at the front doesn't recognize her St. Louis cell phone.  WE STILL NEED ANOTHER ADULT FOR THIS EVENT.  SARAH CANNOT BE THE ONLY ADULT PRESENT!  Thanks!

The Man Retreat is being led by Nerak and will take the guys up to Lemon Lake for ice fishing and camping.  There is no cost unless you are over 16, in which case you'll need to get a fishing license at Walmart on the way to the site.  Bring snacks and drinks to share, water bottle, sleeping bag, toiletries as needed, fire wood, fishing gear you may have (including mini marshmallows and night crawlers), flashlights or lanterns or globe lights, cards or games, and warm layered clothing for the time you'll be ice fishing.  If you layer well, you shouldn't get too cold, and you'll be staying in a big house tent with heaters so that you won't get too cold when off the lake.  Meet at church at 5 p.m., and you'll be back by 2 p.m. Saturday.  WE STILL NEED AN ADULT FOR THIS EVENT TOO.  NERAK CAN'T BE THE ONLY ONE!

Hope you can join these events, whichever one you're qualified for!  Sign up on Sarah's office door, and God bless!

How'd tubing go, you ask?

Well, let's tell you!  Saturday was awesome!  We did a devotion talking about Rev. 3:14-16 and how we don't want to be lukewarm Christians whose faith means little and doesn't show in their lives, and we spent two hours up at Hesperus Ski sliding down on our tubes and having a grand old time.  All the kids seems to have a great experience, and some of them got to know each other better.  There were a couple war wounds, but mostly bruises, although the award for most gnarly wound goes to one of the moms who dislocated her shoulder (but she was a trouper!).  We ate lunch in downtown Durango at Steamworks and headed back home.  All in all it was a great day!

Friday, January 15, 2010


Greetings in Christ!

Another reminder for you:  This Sunday after worship, we are asking that all youth stay for a meeting (less than an hour, promise!) to discuss the purpose of our youth group within Zion and Zion's mission of "Bringing Hope Through Christ."  We will talk about evangelism, worship, fellowship, discipleship, and ministry.  Keep in mind that this will probably not be a one-time meeting, and it probably shouldn't be.  Hopefully we will be able to discuss this topic for two or three sessions before we come up with a good purpose statement for our youth ministry!

Hope to see you there!  Blessings to you from the Father who sent us His Son to pay the ultimate price for our sins!

Tubing Tomorrow!

Tomorrow the youth will be going tubing up in Hesperus!

Meet at church by 7:30 a.m. to drive up.  We'll go tubing from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Hesperus Ski, and then we'll eat lunch at a cafe on the way to Durango that has a lot of variety and good prices.  Then we're going to hang out in downtown Durango until 2 p.m. when we return to church.  We'll be back by 3 p.m.

The cost for this event is $15 including tubing and lunch.  Bring warm clothes for tubing and a change of clothes for after.  Only adults over 21 may drive!

God bless, and see you tomorrow!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Blog for Zion's Youth!

Hello everyone!

The purpose of this blog will be to help get the word out on Zion's youth events and to share what we've been doing and learning as we strive to follow Christ.  Visit often to keep updated, and we hope to see you in worship and at our events!

Jesus loves you!